As we neared the end of our stay in Vientiane, we had no inkling of where we’d be going next. This circumstance is fairly common for self-employed professionals in international development. You may just go home for a while and hope for short-term assignments, or you may be moving on to the next long-term one. …

I went to Laos knowing I no longer wanted to work as an independent consultant in adult education and media. I saw the posting as a chance to begin to develop skills and a résumé as a writer, a role teachers had been encouraging since high school. Before leaving Virginia, I’d received assurance from the …

Laos didn’t offer a lot in the way of entertainment, either for adults or children, so the expatriate community devoted significant time and energy to creating events as best they could. I love celebrations, but entertaining, both as a hostess and a guest, is a challenge. Because Russell was head of the United Nations Development …

Everyday life in Laos wasn’t as dramatic as an attempted coup or an assassination, but it was often challenging. Staying healthy, coping with high heat (over 100ºF) and humidity (99%) for much of the year, managing without household appliances that Americans take for granted, hosting frequent official events connected with Russell’s U.N. project, getting visas …

For years, I’d been operating with the philosophy that, as a consultant, I could focus on the beneficiaries of a project, working around the politics of bureaucracy and the challenge of team mates who were some combination of poorly prepared, racist and/or not focused on empowering participants to be effective in their own milieux. But …

Reading at Central Coast Writers Meeting

Really a pleasure to read an excerpt of Malice on the Mekong at the July 19th meeting of the Central Coast Writers in Pacific Grove, CA. If you’re a writer, budding or published, this is a great group for you — fellowship, workshops and monthly speakers on topics of interest to folks like us.  Felt good …

Nancy and Russell

Nancy and Husband Russell Sunshine promoting their books at the Central Coast Writers Booth, Good Old Days Festival, Pacific Grove. (Russell’s book, Far and Away: True Tales from an International Life, is also available on Amazon.)