Hot Off the Press!
The first book in my West Virginia trilogy of mysteries is ready for purchase on Easiest way to find it is to type my name in the Search box and then click on the cover. Set in the fictitious small town of Lewiston, CHILD’S PLAY features Eden Jones, a thirteen year-old girl who’s learned most of what she knows from watching television, and Bethanne Swanson, who’s learned her lessons from fifty years in the school of hard knocks. The unlikely sleuths are drawn together when Eden’s best friend and Bethanne’s sister are found dead in the sister’s Mercedes. Lots of twists and turns, lots of secrets to be uncovered, but Eden and Bethanne find they’re up to the challenge. By the end of the summer, they’ve solved three mysteries and built a friendship that surpasses their differences in age and experience. Hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.