The three months leading into the summer of 2005 were filled to the brim — the unexpected loss of a dear friend, Zack sending Russell to the hospital, attending the Winchester, UK Writers Conference (where we both got encouraging news), watching vipers dance and balloons soar. Here are edited excerpts from letters to family and …
As I read over letters sent to family and friends about our first months of 2005, our lives then seem bustling. Yet I don’t recall them that way. Twenty years bring distance and dimming memories. Yet, here they are, the days of our lives in those faraway places. Leaving Sri Lanka, returning to Amelia — …
One of the great things about living in Italy was all the folks from our past who came to visit. Another was the joys of the changing seasons, as handyman Graziano and I worked together through each one. A scar and a star marked the autumn of 2004, but Russell and I could never have …
Last month, when I was writing about our trip to Dubai, I kept envisioning photos I’d taken. But I couldn’t find them…’til now. Here are a couple, showing Dubai’s love affair with the modern and avant-guard contrasted with a bit of the history that remains — the former palace of the Emir. Now, let’s move …
2004 was such a busy year that I find I have to divide it into three, rather than two, posts just to fit in all the highlights. Here’s the first installment, recalling adventures at home and abroad. [From now on, if any of the posts take place at our house near Amelia, Italy, I’ll no …
The last six months of 2003 were filled with trips (Budapest, Venice and Sri Lanka), plus back-home challenges with hunters and a landslide almost hitting our propane tank. Here are edited excerpts from letters home to family and friends. (As always, you can click on photos to enlarge them.) Source: Nations Online Project July Stepsister …
During our first year of running two households — Russell in Sri Lanka, me in Italy — we began to learn how to make separation work, staying in touch via emails and getting together every quarter. Meanwhile, my life went on — marketing my book, overseeing another renovation, organizing a sorority reunion and contemplating war …
As Russell was finishing his first, four-month consulting assignment in Sri Lanka and about to start a two-year-long extension to help implement the recommendations from the initial project, we thought it would be a good idea for me to come out for a couple weeks to get a feeling for what the life of a …
The last half of 2002 took us on lots of trips — to the States for medical checkups at Johns Hopkins and visiting family and friends, Russell back and forth to Sri Lanka, we two celebrating our 30th anniversary at Lake Como. Then we learned that Russell was going to be in Sri Lanka for …
While traveling here, there and everywhere during the first half of 2002, we also managed to make it through being snowed in, the “second wave” of foreigners buying up local property, Africa’s scirocco coating everything in red dust, another interior renovation, plus lots more. Here are excerpts from monthly letters to family. As always, you …