Back from celebrating husband Russell’s birthday in California’s Gold Rush country. Good to get away and just relax together, exploring Sonora, Columbia and Jamestown. But now it’s back to work on THE SILVER FOXES — 25,000 words of first draft finished, so about 1/3 done with some ideas of where to go next. Looking forward …
Getting ready to help staff the Central Coast Writers Booth at Pacific Grove’s Good Old Days Celebration, April 6-7. The layout of my old card didn’t allow inclusion of my newest titles, so I tried something different. If you have any reactions, kindly visit and let me hear from you.
Took a couple months off after finishing LAZARUS to focus on marketing but also just to rest my brain’s writing cells. Now back at work on SILVER FOXES, the final installment in my West Virginia trilogy of mysteries. Found several versions of the opening 30 pages with different plot lines and characters. So I’m trying …
Thrilled to learn that LAZARUS received a five-star review from Readers’ Favorite. Among the phrases: “Swing’s writing is lyrical and lovely…and her characters are quite unforgettable.”
Excited to see Lazarus available on Amazon earlier than expected. In time for Christmas sales!! This is the second book in my trilogy of mysteries set in the fictitious small town of Lewiston, West Virginia. The story revolves around the renovation of a centuries-old cabin and what happens to the people who try to resurrect …