Just discovered a lovely review of THE SILVER FOXES in the British blog, “Promoting Crime Fiction,” another enterprise of Lizzie Sirett, editor of Mystery People. Among reviewer Carol Wetron’s welcome praise: “superb skill in bringing these characters to life…all engaging and beautifully portrayed… thoroughly enjoyable read.”
What a happy way to start the holiday week: Readers’ Favorite just gave The Silver Foxes a 5-star review: “…intriguing mystery…interesting cast of characters…If readers find this book first, most likely they will want to read the previous two books!”
http://AgileAging.net published a Peer Profile about my starting to write mysteries after retirement from a career as an international consultant. It was a fun interview, covering lots of topics, including building skills, avoiding a roman a clef, the challenges of an indie author, marketing and what comes next after publishing four books in four years. …
This UK website did a fine job of explaining a novel set in the hills of West Virginia to foreign readers: “a most appealing character…a very illuminating depiction of life and attitudes.” One of the reasons I like to read mysteries set in unfamiliar locations is that I learn more about the humanity we share, …
Thrilled to learn that LAZARUS received a five-star review from Readers’ Favorite. Among the phrases: “Swing’s writing is lyrical and lovely…and her characters are quite unforgettable.” https://readersfavorite.com/book-review/lazarus/1
A great afternoon at the Page Turners Book Fest in Monterey, CA earlier this month. Met lots of readers, exchanged thoughts with other authors and sold books too. Talking with readers really sparks my creativity.
Pleased to be among 44 local authors featured at Page Turners Book Fest, Sunday, July 15, Elks Lodge, 150 Mar Vista, Monterey, CA. 1:00, former Spy D.S. Kane will share ideas on “How to Write a Thriller.” 2:00-5:00, authors will sign and sell books in many genres, including children’s, fantasy, memoir, mystery, poetry, sci fi …
Recently made an appearance on Kyle Elizabeth Wood’s “Bohemia Live.” You can view the whole thing on YouTube or a short video on my Amazon Author’s Page. The video clip features my response to Kyle’s question about why I write mysteries.
Really had fun doing Gary Bowden’s radio interview, broadcast on WAJR-FM, Clarksburg; WBTQ-FM, Buckhannon and WSWW-FM, Summerville during my book tour of West Virginia. Gary asked thought-provoking questions, and I later heard from listeners that they enjoyed the program. If you like, you can listen to the podcast via the link below. My interview comes …
“a fascinating study of the damage dark secrets can do to an individual, a family and a community…at the same time, a lot of gentle humor…two unusual but thoroughly engaging protagonists…an excellent crime novel but also a story of redemption” – Carol Westron, mystery people.co.uk.
“A lovely and transcendent reminder of how powerful Southern fiction can be….keeps the reader on edge…I loved this book and looked forward to every moment I spent reading it. Child’s Play is a powerful coming of age novel with an unforgettable cast of characters. It’s most highly recommended.” – Jack Magnus, Readers’ Favorite
Many thanks to crime mystery author Sally Spedding for crafting such a fun interview and Mystery People Editor Lizzie Hayes for publishing it both on the MP website and on Lizzie’s blog. Sally asked really thoughtful questions, and I had to go deep in some cases to make sure I did them justice. I had fun doing the …
So exciting to learn that the Readers’ Favorite Website has awarded Malice on the Mekong five stars! Here are a few excerpts: “Great entertainment…breathtaking language..powerful and evocative..a beautiful tapestry on which the gripping story is masterfully designed…hard to put down…classic story that will be remembered for the beautiful characters, the unforgettable setting, and events so …
Thanks to Lizzie Hayes and her blog for previewing Carol Westron’s review which will appear on the Mystery People website in October. Wonderfully encouraging when a teacher of Creative Writing submits such a positive review: “…author shows great skill in drawing the reader into this country, its traditions and its people…clever mystery…Anjali Rao, the chocoholic …
http://futureexpats.com Wonderful to read such a nice review of Malice on the Mekong on the Future Expats Website. Lots of good info on this site — including a free book of helpful hints — for folks contemplating a move overseas.
Click the badge below to read my responses to the editor’s questions about the expatriate life and my writing.
Want to hear a radio interview? You can listen to the interview on the Mike Queen Show, WAJR, Clarksburg, West Virginia, where I attended Washington Irving High School. To keep up with more Central West Virginia news, go directly to the show’s podcast: ajrnewsnetwork.podomatic.com.
“Keepers of Our Culture” ~ Share Your Stories For Good Cedar Street Times 4-1-2016 by Patricia Hamilton and Joyce Krieg. Nancy Swing turned her experiences living among the ex-pat community in Laos into a work of mystery fiction. Many lives, many stories, many ways of telling our stories. Certainly the most common method is to …
Thrilled to learn that Mystery Readers International published my essay, “Old Folks Are Just Neat,” describing why I wrote a book about senior sleuths.
The final volume of my West Virginia trilogy of mysteries is now available on Kindle. If you go to Amazon and type “nancy swing the silver foxes,” you’ll find a link for both print and electronic versions. I’m on Facebook with an author’s page, and as always, I love to hear from readers. Writers only …
Happy to report that the final book in my trilogy of West Virginia mysteries has been published in paperback. There’s a direct link on my home page, if you’d like to order a copy.
Manuscript and photos for the cover of THE SILVER FOXES have gone to the publisher. If all goes well, the final book of my West Virginia trilogy of mysteries should be available from Amazon later this month. Fingers crossed.
Turned everything over to the publisher — manuscript, cover art, etc. If all goes well, the final book in my trilogy of West Virginia mysteries will be out in mid-late November. Please note: This is NOT how the cover will look!
Just back from a mini-vacation in Lassen National Park in northern California. Helps to walk away from the “final” draft of a book and come back with fresh eyes for a bit of polishing. Now for the push to finish THE SILVER FOXES and turn it in to the publisher October 1st.
All feedback from my “beta readers” is now marked into my print copy of THE SILVER FOXES, each in a different color, so I can keep track of who said what. Now I’m inputing the changes into the electronic copy of the manuscript. Hope to finish that by mid-September, take a week off, then re-read …
Finished second draft of THE SILVER FOXES and sent it off to my “beta readers.” Looking forward to their detailed feedback on this final mystery in my West Virginia trilogy — I know their comments will make the story better. Still on target for late 2019 publication.
Just passed 45,000 words in the first draft of the final book in my trilogy of West Virginia mysteries. Feels like I’m halfway home, and those senior citizen sleuths are right on track to figure out who done it. The lives of Eden, Bethanne and Jimmy Lee continue from the previous books and will also …
So pleased to learn that my essay, “I’m a Hillbilly” has been published in Mystery Readers Journal: Mystery in the American South II. A couple sentences to give you the flavor: “When I was growing up in West Virginia, that was a shameful thing to say…As I moved into middle age, I began to realize …
Thrilled to learn that Lazarus is showing up on the beaches of Tahiti, where it seems more than one reader is following Jimmy Lee’s efforts to solve the murders of loved ones in Lewiston, WV. If you’ve taken Lazarus on one of your adventures, please let me know via Facebook. Authors love it when their …
Back from celebrating husband Russell’s birthday in California’s Gold Rush country. Good to get away and just relax together, exploring Sonora, Columbia and Jamestown. But now it’s back to work on THE SILVER FOXES — 25,000 words of first draft finished, so about 1/3 done with some ideas of where to go next. Looking forward …
Waiting with Joyce Krieg and Brenda Taylor to march with the Central Coast Writers in Pacific Grove’s Good Old Days Parade. After the parade, husband and fellow writer Russell Sunshine and I helped staff CCW’s booth at the Fair. Happy to report that we both sold a bunch of books. These two days (April 6/7 …
Getting ready to help staff the Central Coast Writers Booth at Pacific Grove’s Good Old Days Celebration, April 6-7. The layout of my old card didn’t allow inclusion of my newest titles, so I tried something different. If you have any reactions, kindly visit http://Facebook.com/nancyswingauthor and let me hear from you.
Just celebrated my 75th birthday with ice cream, cake and good friends. Special people for a special day. (By the way, you can’t see the men, but they were there too.)
Took a couple months off after finishing LAZARUS to focus on marketing but also just to rest my brain’s writing cells. Now back at work on SILVER FOXES, the final installment in my West Virginia trilogy of mysteries. Found several versions of the opening 30 pages with different plot lines and characters. So I’m trying …
Excited to see Lazarus available on Amazon earlier than expected. In time for Christmas sales!! This is the second book in my trilogy of mysteries set in the fictitious small town of Lewiston, West Virginia. The story revolves around the renovation of a centuries-old cabin and what happens to the people who try to resurrect …
I’ve been reviewing the text proofs and drafts of the cover for Lazarus, the second book in my trilogy of mysteries set in the fictitious small town of Lewiston, WV. We’ve basically completed revisions of both, so Lazarus is on track to be available on Amazon December 1, in time for Christmas sales, as many …
Working with my publisher to finalize the cover of the next book in my trilogy of West Virginia mysteries, available on Amazon in print and electronic formats December 1, 2018. You can read more about LAZARUS on my website. Scroll down the Home Page until you come to “Previews of Coming Attractions.” You’ll find a …
Joining over 30 local authors to sign and sell our books on the veranda of the Pacific Grove Library in celebration of independent authors, October 13. This international observance of Indie Author Day recognizes the work of writers all over the world who are part of the self-publishing groundswell. What used to be called “vanity …
A tide is running in the publishing industry. More and more authors, including famous ones, are choosing to self-publish their books. This year marks the third in which Independent Author Day is celebrated across the country. I’m happy to serve on the local committee organizing events in Pacific Grove, CA on October 13. Participants will …
Husband and fellow writer Russell Sunshine and I (second and third from right), assembling with Central Coast Writers to march in Monterey’s 4th of July Parade. The crowd of some 10,000 was very enthusiastic, and we had a lot of fun. CCW marches every year, and we’re already wondering, “What’ll we wear in 2019???”
Sure feels good to be editing the first draft of LAZARUS, the next book in my trilogy of mysteries set in a fictitious small town in West Virginia. Hoping to have it in print in time for Christmas.
50,000 words and counting on the first draft of Lazarus, the second in my trilogy of West Virginia mysteries. Hope to have this draft done in a couple weeks. Then I’ll let it stew for a while and come back to it. I usually do three drafts, asking for trusted readers’ feedback on the second. …
Marching with the Central Coast Writers in Pacific Grove’s Good Old Days Parade. That’s me, way at the back with the sign, “Writers do it literally,” and husband Russell on the right in his Sherlock Holmes hat. Good Old Days is such a special event, running two days, starting with this terrific parade and continuing …