Took a couple months off after finishing LAZARUS to focus on marketing but also just to rest my brain’s writing cells. Now back at work on SILVER FOXES, the final installment in my West Virginia trilogy of mysteries. Found several versions of the opening 30 pages with different plot lines and characters. So I’m trying …

Five Stars for LAZARUS!

Thrilled to learn that LAZARUS received a five-star review from Readers’ Favorite. Among the phrases: “Swing’s writing is lyrical and lovely…and her characters are quite unforgettable.”

LAZARUS on Amazon!

Excited to see Lazarus available on Amazon earlier than expected. In time for Christmas sales!! This is the second book in my trilogy of mysteries set in the fictitious small town of Lewiston, West Virginia. The story revolves around the renovation of a centuries-old cabin and what happens to the people who try to resurrect …

LAZARAUS Almost Ready

I’ve been reviewing the text proofs and drafts of the cover for Lazarus, the second book in my trilogy of mysteries set in the fictitious small town of Lewiston, WV. We’ve basically completed revisions of both, so Lazarus is on track to be available on Amazon December 1, in time for Christmas sales, as many …

Draft Cover of New Book

Working with my publisher to finalize the cover of the next book in my trilogy of West Virginia mysteries, available on Amazon in print and electronic formats December 1, 2018. You can read more about LAZARUS on my website. Scroll down the Home Page until you come to “Previews of Coming Attractions.” You’ll find a …

Selling and Signing on Indie Author Day

Joining over 30 local authors to sign and sell our books on the veranda of the Pacific Grove Library in celebration of independent authors, October 13. This international observance of Indie Author Day recognizes the work of writers all over the world who are part of the self-publishing groundswell. What used to be called “vanity …

Celebrating Independent Authors

A tide is running in the publishing industry. More and more authors, including famous ones, are choosing to self-publish their books. This year marks the third in which Independent Author Day is celebrated across the country. I’m happy to serve on the local committee organizing events in Pacific Grove, CA on October 13. Participants will …

Page Turners Book Fest

A great afternoon at the Page Turners Book Fest in Monterey, CA earlier this month. Met lots of readers, exchanged thoughts with other authors and sold books too. Talking with readers really sparks my creativity.

Appearing at Local Author Book Fest

Pleased to be among 44 local authors featured at Page Turners Book Fest, Sunday, July 15, Elks Lodge, 150 Mar Vista, Monterey, CA. 1:00, former Spy D.S. Kane will share ideas on “How to Write a Thriller.” 2:00-5:00, authors will sign and sell books in many genres, including children’s, fantasy, memoir, mystery, poetry, sci fi …

Marching with Central Coast Writers

Husband and fellow writer Russell Sunshine and I (second and third from right), assembling with Central Coast Writers to march in Monterey’s 4th of July Parade. The crowd of some 10,000 was very enthusiastic, and we had a lot of fun. CCW marches every year, and we’re already wondering, “What’ll we wear in 2019???”